Products include naval, electronic warfare, air defense, radar, and UAS training systems.
Further projects include: primary and secondary radar, a new control tower and a modern drainage system.
Some models included gun-laying radar that could lead the target and compensate for bullet drop.
However, following increased terrorist penetration of its southern border in 2011, Israel is upgrading the steel barrier project to include cameras, radar and motion detectors.
Other prime inventions of the era include radar and air-to-air missiles.
Proposed instruments could include cameras, spectrometers, and radar.
Some of these modifications included the Ghost 104 engine, a clear-view canopy and American radar.
Some of these objects include trucks, airplanes, and radar.
That $5 billion would include radar, everything.
The fire control system includes radar and electro-optics, that can be either dedicated or utilizing the existing systems on board the naval vessel.