Such austerity measures included further privatization of state enterprises, further salary cuts, and heavier taxation of working and middle class citizens.
The party's goals include privatization of land, a free market, a democratic government, and support of Belarusian culture and humanism.
Ramos therefore resorted to institutional changes through structural policy reforms, of which included privatization and deregulation.
The recipe often includes trade liberalization, independent central banks, more effective and less profligate governments, privatization of state assets, and investment in health and education.
The reforms that will be required include lower trade barriers, privatization of state industries and more openness toward foreign investment.
This document contained the backbone of what would later on become the Chilean economic policy, recommending a set of economic reforms that included deregulation and privatization.
What he cares about, he said, is a good deal, which might include privatization of the airports, the choice of Mr. Giuliani.
In my view, there are other models of liberalization that do not include privatization.
Part of President Menem's program included large-scale privatization of state-owned companies.
During the early 1990s, Argentina began a thorough reform of its public sector, which included the restructuring and privatization of the electricity sector.