This includes prescription, over the counter, vitamin, and herbal products.
California includes any impairing drug, legal, prescription, over-the-counter or illegal.
"There needs to be a change in emphasis from fire control to fire management, which includes prescription as well as suppression."
This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as dietary or herbal products.
PT management commonly includes prescription of or assistance with specific exercises, manual therapy, education, manipulation and other interventions.
This includes both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, supplements, and herbs.
Be sure to include both prescription and nonprescription medications as well as any vitamins or herbal preparations.
The Statutes included prescriptions for town planning and the regulation of quarantine (for sanitary reasons).
The right to be forgotten also includes the notion of not to be searched, and extinctive prescription of information.
Divination may articulate the origin/cause of the problem; in addition, it may include prescriptions for solutions/suggestions to certain difficulties.