Recent trends in housing and care for mentally retarded people include placing them in small group homes or community settings near family members.
One of the possibilities include placing troops in the Caucasus region to police oil and gas pipelines.
In a hospital, rewarming efforts may be much more aggressive and may even include placing the patient on heart bypass to quickly warm the body.
It also included placing injured workers under surveillance and challenging doctors on expensive treatment plans.
These included placing new vaulting in the cathedral which were made of iron, and lowering the capitals down by four feet.
Their adjustments included placing the "R" key in the place previously allotted to the period key.
His job included placing and keeping senior Guatemalan officers on his payroll.
Their tasks will now include placing the chain's estimated $55 million worth of television commercials.
Other ways include placing the song even at the start of another song.
Plans for the future include placing small production units strategically around the country to cut down on shipping costs.