Natural enemies of insect pests, also known as biological control agents, include predators, parasitoids, and pathogens.
There are currently at least two relatively well characterized capnophilic groups of microorganisms that include human pathogens.
Rice pests include weeds, pathogens, insects, nematode, rodents, and birds.
The genus includes several important agricultural pathogens.
Exogenous factors in medicine include both pathogens and therapeutics.
The family includes several pathogens of vertebrates, most notably H. influenzae.
Other species within this supergroup are known parasites, and include human pathogens.
These environmental differences include climate, migration patterns, war, agricultural suitability, and endemic pathogens.
Natural enemies of insect pests include predators, parasitoids, and pathogens.
Their many parasitic forms include pathogens in most plants and animals (including humans).