Later, his work began to include ornamentation in a neo-Baroque style.
Early designs included rich ornamentation, six iron galleries dividing the hollow shaft into seven sections, and a quadriga surmounting the column.
The borders included ornamentation in an imitation of Ancient Roman relief sculptures and carved porphyry.
She also often includes traditional ornamentation of rope fillets, tool-impressed rims and loop handles on her pots.
Sexual Dimorphism is defined as the phenotypic difference between the sexes of the same species; these changes include size, morphology, behavior, and ornamentation.
Chinese houses along the north coast of Java were renovated to include Chinese ornamentation.
Design changes included tribal ornamentation on the forehead, which was made steeper and shallower, brighter skin coloration and a greater number of fangs.
Other characteristics of Iraqi music include a slow tempo, rhythmically free ornamentation or melodic lines, and predominantly minor modes.
The cost of the project was around £14,200, which included ornamentation where the canal passed through ground belonging to the Rev. W. Uthwatt.
Cultural arts included basket-weaving skills, seasonal ceremonial dancing events, female tattoos, ear and nose piercings, and other ornamentation.