Victims included both neighbors, such as Czechoslovakia or Manchuria, and distant lands, such as Ethiopia.
Informal support networks include friends and neighbors who often are willing to help if given the opportunity.
They included neighbors of the Murphys from Delaware.
Examples of moderate risks include neighbors, baby sitters or coaches who have fondled a child under the child's clothing after threatening physical harm.
These persons may include relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, and teachers.
It was a big party which included the peons of the hacienda, neighbors, and even passing strangers that had meandered over to join the fun.
These may include concerned neighbors, watchful parents, crime prevention strategies (such as locking devices, security alarms, effective lighting, etc.), and patrol officers.
Begun in 1991, the street fest's original iteration included only 500 friends and neighbors of the street residents.
The 11 designated recipients, close members of my immediate family, grew to include cousins, children and neighbors.
The videos included the railroad mix up, quarrelsome neighbors and the puzzling board.