Does not include strategic missiles, special operations and information technology programs.
These include ground-based laser weapons and missiles that are able to reach higher into space.
If an agreement is reached with Libya, it is expected to include tanks and missiles.
Powers include flight, four back missiles, and a restraining rope.
These include surface-to-air missiles, which the Bosnian military said would be set up for "defensive purposes."
Weapons in the game include guns, missiles, electronic jammers, and bombs.
Washington had proposed to include only missiles with a range greater than 800 kilometers, about 500 miles.
It said it no longer saw the company's products, which include missiles and other weapons, as essential to its business.
The Chinese are currently developing a new version of the system which will include missiles on the same installation.
The museum's collection includes military vehicles, missiles, aircraft and over 5000 smaller aviation artifacts.