Other evidence includes several memos that surfaced after the 1991 coup and the claim by one of Tarkovsky's doctors that his cancer could not have developed from a natural cause.
Other standard printed items include fax lead sheets, memos, and office forms.
These documents include internal memos and correspondence, minutes of board deliberations, presentations by consultants and auditors, and excerpts from the three-ringed briefing books given directors.
The records included memos showing that he had asked to be kept apprised of the commission's information regarding a group promoting workers' rights in Laurel, Judge Pickering's hometown.
They included embarrassing secret memos suppressed by Communist governments.
(This book includes memos from Churchill and notes showing how the script developed.)
Alternative formats include memos, briefing notes, reports, letters or binders.
Extra content includes behind-the-scenes memos and notes, photos, additional plotlines and excerpts from the Freaks and Geeks series bibles.
Court papers include memos Judge Bozarth wrote to town officials, boasting that traffic tickets "exploded" last year and using terms like "revenue generation" to describe court functions.
The secret documents included a memo or memos of discussions between George W. Bush and Paavo Lipponen.