January 23, 2007 - The radar now includes indicators for wintry precipitation.
Criteria for admission varies but is generally very selective and includes factors such as, indicators of ability, performance, creativity, and talent.
Most Sanisettes include indicators of their availability: ready, occupied, cycling (self-cleaning), or out of service.
Data include state assessment scores, dropout rates, and other important indicators of the quality of schools.
It should include evaluative indicators to measure the effective of initiated programs.
It is important to include "indicators of performance" in the way that it can be measured the results against explicit requirements, whether qualitative or quantitative.
More recent releases include new indicators on protecting nature.
Other reports include leading economic indicators (Monday) and durable goods for December (Friday).
I beg you to include social indicators alongside the economic indicators.
It is possible, using something akin to a book code, to include key indicators as clear text attached to an encrypted message.