Other symptoms include genital numbness, fecal incontinence and urinary incontinence.
Additional problems include depression, immobility, problems with falls and incontinence.
Signs include rear limb weakness or paralysis, urinary or fecal incontinence, and spinal pain.
Serious toxic effects include bladder outlet injury, urinary incontinence, sexual impotence, and rectal injury.
But side effects after surgery include both incontinence and impotence.
Other types include overflow and mixed incontinence.
Interview topics included sexual behavior, diabetes, urinary tract infections, and urinary incontinence.
They might include epilepsy and other brain disorders as well as incontinence, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.
They include hemorrhoids, abscesses, incontinence and cancer.
Urinary symptoms include urinary frequency, urgency, incontinence and retention.