They said Captain Vest's decision included several inaccuracies and quoted them out of context.
The advertisement included several inaccuracies: it incorrectly said, for example, that a student dining hall had been padlocked to starve students into submission.
For example, commentators claim that student blogs often include uncorrected inaccuracies of information, or can be used to instigate online bullying.
These included that it collected "...facts, statistics, inaccuracies and rumors.
The complaint included (according to Zellner) several factual inaccuracies about the incident.
Both books, the former written in 2008 and the latter in 2004, attacked Democratic presidential candidates and were criticized for including numerous inaccuracies.
But the letter from Mr. Brill and an editor's reply published in the magazine indicated the original article included inaccuracies.
He said the "snatches" of conversation published in the French magazine article included "considerable inaccuracies."
This web site could include technical or other inaccuracies or typographical errors.
The Information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.