McIlvaine declined to identify the teams, but it was known that the Braves and the Toronto Blue Jays were included in the talks.
They want to include food safety, environmental standards, foreign direct investment and national competition policy in the talks.
"We're trying to include everyone in the power-sharing talks, Mr. Ambassador."
We're not happy we weren't included in the talks, but we're not going to throw a wet blanket over it.
This year, not only is Mr. Cuomo not included in the talks, neither are his top fiscal advisers.
He later clarified that he did not object to the integration process, but wanted his group to be included in the talks.
Mr. Yeltsin, who came to power three years ago today, was clearly pleased to be included in the political talks.
NATO has steadfastly refused to include the tactical nuclear weapons in the the talks on conventional arms.
But the Soviet Union is expected to seek limits on aircraft and has talked publicly about the need to include tactical nuclear weapons in the new talks.
Under the insistence of Mr. Dudayev's representatives, the provisional government is not officially included in the current talks.