As always, it would have a strong commercial base, and would include not only financial giants but the smaller entrepreneurs as well.
The fund's investors include financial giants like Lehman Brothers and Fidelity Investments.
It is intended to serve the growing business community here, which already includes giants like Wal-Mart and Tyson Foods.
These include red giants and supergiants, and asymptotic giant branch stars.
Other attractions included giants, midgets, Siamese twins and a tattooed man who had decorated even the inside of his ears.
Their warbands also often include wyverns, giants, trolls, ogres and other monsters in the same vein.
These include dragons and giants, fairies and the Devil.
Other possible acquirers include American giants like Citicorp and Chase Manhattan.
Its advertisers include giants like Pfizer, Eli Lilly and Disney.
Known beings capable of breeding with humans include goblins, giants, and Veela.