These include genes of a number of distinct functional classes, some of which appear to change in a uniform way.
In humans, these may include genes that underlie generosity, moral constraints, even religious behavior.
We believe that future microarrays will only include more features and genes, making these assumptions even more valid.
These predictions were used to design the first set of 70 mer oligonucleotides and includes genes from the plastid genome.
Both classes may include genes that originated as 'own' chromosomal genes.
And both classes may include genes that originated as external, invading parasites.
Candidate factors include genes, the exposure of fetuses to certain hormones (or lack thereof) and environmental factors.
The recent discoveries include genes that seem to influence whether an individual is fat, has a gift for dance or will be addicted to cigarettes.
These predictions also include genes from the plastid and mitochondrial genomes.
This definition has been taken to include enzymes, reproducible modified genes, and the cells that carry them.