The Jerusalem workshop included artists from diverse regions in the West, who brought stylistic traits with them from their native countries.
The roaster also included talented players from other regions of the country.
"While major collectors continue to seek Crowell and Lincoln decoys, others have expanded their focus to include decoys from other regions."
The arboretum was formally dedicated in 1990, and now includes over 300 species from the Sonoran Desert and other regions.
There are different styles of singing in different regions, and we balance the programme to include different songs from different regions.
Planned as a universal museum, it will include art from all eras and regions, including Islamic art.
These human sacrifices often included women from surrounding regions, but men were not excluded from sacrfice to the gods.
The board also includes lay-directors from various regions of the United States and emeritus bishops who once served but are either semi or fully retired.
The project includes participants from war-torn regions coming together and working in an atmosphere of trust and team spirit.
Unlike other committees, whose members were named so the committees included members from different regions, this final committee included no champions of the small states.