Includes Federal partnership programs links for states, city management, counties, legislatures, governors, cities, and mayors.
The Lieberman-Bayh program also included financial rewards for states that raised student achievement, and sanctions for those that failed.
Cost information states submitted to DHS does not include all costs for states and localities during the Code Orange alert periods.
This included separate bubbles for different states of mind (drunkenness, etc.), for echoes, and a special class of bubbles for one single floating apparition.
Mr. Voinovich said the House bill "does not include sufficient protections for states in the event of an economic downturn."
In addition, the overhaul package includes additional money for states to review unreasonable increases in insurance rates.
The websites includes federal partnership programs links for states, city management, counties, legislatures, governors, cities, and mayors, as well as a network of links to federal government information services.
"I asked the governors to help me work with members on both sides of the aisle to pass an education reform package that will include more flexibility for states," Mr. Bush said.
Includes water supply forecasts, reservoirs, and the Surface Water Supply Index (SWSI) for Alaska and other Western states.
Mr. Clinton included the new dollars for states when he proposed a $1,000 tax credit for people who need long-term care.