The members include economists, lawyers, architects, graduate engineers, doctors, scientists, teachers and many others.
Its staff of approximately 600 employees includes lawyers, economists, reference librarians, and social, natural, and physical scientists.
They included not only politicians, but also economists, educators, political scientists, even former Communist Party members.
Its long list of distinguished former pupils includes economists, engineers, architects, lawyers, politicians and even F1 champions.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and economists.
Through television, Garroway gave viewers access to a variety of people that included politicians, writers, artists, scientists, economists, and musicians.
They often are part of interdisciplinary teams that may include economists, engineers, computer scientists, physicists, technicians, and others.
Speakers at the forum included economists and state officials.
Membership includes economists, mathematicians, game theorists, and other professionals interested in theoretical economics.
A Bush commission should include leading sociologists, economists, educators, medical researchers and members of the clergy.