Gardner believes that careers that suit those with this intelligence include sales, politicians, managers, teachers, counselors and social workers.
The services include counselors and resident assistants, presentations and peer counseling by former members of religious groups.
A nonexhaustive list of these include: counselors, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists.
Troubled or depressed teenagers are referred to mental health teams that include counselors and psychiatrists, all of them working together in treating the patient.
The most reputable programs are staffed by a team that includes doctors, physical therapists, behavioral counselors, and social workers.
Policies must be very carefully developed, using a committee of stakeholders that includes parents, students, school staff, counselors, law enforcement and others.
He said that the protesters included trained counselors who approach women about adoption and other matters.
Staff includes counselors and special education specialists.
The staff includes the academic dean, counselors, one for each grade level, a scholarship/financial aid counselor, and a licensed clinical social worker.
This team may include a psychologist or psychiatrist, counselors, doctors, social workers, nurses, and a case manager.