Revlon's businesses include beauty and cosmetics, vision care and clinical diagnostic laboratories.
Wholesale businesses based in this area includes drugs, cosmetics, hardware, stationery, and grocery.
Major products include telecommunications equipment and electronics, cosmetics, automotive components and musical instruments.
Industries that have the highest percentage of board seats held by women include cosmetics, savings institutions, publishing and toys, Catalyst found.
This includes not only food items, but also cosmetics, toiletries, cleaning products and household goods.
The non-food section includes electronics, cosmetics and clothing among other general things.
Other areas of decline included paper and packaging, utilities, insurance, stock brokers, cosmetics and media companies.
Subsectors of personal care include personal hygiene and cosmetics.
The street level also includes cosmetics and ladies' wear.
The selection included food, alcohol, tobacco, clothing, toys, jewelry, cosmetics, technical devices, music recordings and much more.