Other environmental issues include water pollution from industrial emissions and raw sewage, contamination of drinking water supplies, and trade in endangered species.
The problems included contamination of the hydraulic system with metal shavings, and frayed or snapped control cables discovered at the site of the crash.
Those consequences could include serious contamination of the land and drinking water.
Other threats include natural predators (polar bears and killer whales), contamination of rivers, and infectious diseases.
Some of the reported manifestations include intussusception, small intestinal bacterial contamination, colitis and others.
They say threats to the environment include contamination of ground water, brine spills and the release of toxic hydrogen sulfide gas.
Remaining issues included lead contamination, unexploded munitions, and stockpiles of depleted uranium.
Increased risk factors for infection include visible contamination, meningeal tear, loose bone fragments and presenting for treatment more than eight hours after initial injury.
Possible threats to water quality include contamination with deadly agents, such as cyanide, and physical attacks like the release of toxic gaseous chemicals.
Possible sources include contamination of the instrument, organics in the sample and inorganic carbonates.