Its survey, which included condos, stated that average prices fell 1.5 percent last year.
Barnes' plan includes 450 planned homes and condos with prices starting at $650,000.
The redevelopment plan also includes housing and condos for people to rent and buy directly on site.
Besides shops, the center also includes rental apartments, condos, and offices.
The owner of the mall, Cadillac Fairview, proposed a redevelopment of the site to include a lifestyle centre, condos and office space.
Mirasol includes condos with concierge service and a day spa.
The Valley Crossing Complex included ski shops, restaurants, condos, and commercial shops.
The residential development called Tribute of Wixom will contain 600 units that include ranch-style condos, town houses, and single-family homes.
First occupancy is this summer, and the five-year plan includes condos priced from $350,000 and waterfront lots ranging from $250,000 to $1.7 million.
Original plans also included 52 one-bedroom condos, but that part of the development was scrapped.