Controversies about Thailand's national parks include excessive development and private concessions.
The agreement also includes concessions from Republicans, who wanted to pay the dues over five years, not three, and apply further conditions.
Details of the agreement were secret, but seem to have included economic concessions to Spain.
That would include package stores, concessions and that kind of thing.
The Governor has long maintained that any state bailout must include concessions from the district's teachers.
That offer included concessions on Jerusalem and other issues.
The facility also includes concessions, ticket offices, locker rooms and a training room.
While games made for either crowd sometimes include concessions to the other, you can always tell where the heart of the game lies.
The documents do, in fact, include concessions by workers and officials at the agency about the extent of the problems plaguing the department.
These alliances will include concessions, particularly in filling Cabinet and commission posts.