The above rules include sub-committees as well as committees.
These include standing, select or special, and joint committees.
These included (at various times)committees for health and social services, education, access to English schools, youth employment, legal affairs, communication, internal rules, and membership.
The gardens are only the most visible part of a local organizing drive that includes "popular committees" in neighborhoods and refugee centers.
Some of the many opportunities include: organizing committees, checkpoint help, start/finish line volunteers, and food attendants.
This division includes various committees which examine and revise different aspects of these laws.
At the national level, members include national committees, chambers, chapters of international business organizations and sector associations.
The gang has a "sophisticated" organizational structure that includes unit leaders and committees, the report says.
The board includes several committees that carryout the duties of the council.
Class committees include the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior committees.