We require the landlord to do all the building, which includes expensive cabinets with individual cubicles for children to keep their coats and books in.
Oriental curiosities included lacquered cabinets and screens.
Examples of these include: elevators, structural steel, trusses, pre-cast, windows, appliances, cabinets, air handling units, and millwork.
These include: elevators, windows, cabinets, air handling units, generators, appliances and cooling towers.
Examples of casegoods include chests, dressers, bookshelves, and cabinets.
These include new stainless steel appliances, granite marble counter tops, laminate flooring, and wooden cabinets.
Examples include baskets with cloths, ceramic disks, or cabinets placed over a heat source such as steam radiators.
Glancing around at the usual accoutrements which included an anesthesia machine and cabinets of instruments, her panic swelled anew.
The 50 works on view include not only tables and chairs, but also bedsteads, desks and, above all, cabinets.
This includes cabinets, countertops, flat laminates, paper laminates and 3D laminates.