Customary celebrations include bonfires, picnics, and bow and arrow play by children.
This year's period of tension before the so-called marching season included bonfires, carjackings and confrontations with the police by people who said they were supporting the Drumcree cause.
Typical features include hot tubs, heated caves with large TV's, wood-burning fireplaces, electric bonfires and extravagant barbecues with special lobster-roasting sections.
Rituals include bonfires, cookouts, a sauna and spending time together.
Celebration begins at sundown the previous evening, and may include feasts, bonfires, and revelry appropriate to the season.
Each Halloween, students celebrate "Rafinesque Week," which includes bonfires, mock awards, ghost tours of campus and as the culmination of the week, four students chosen from a lottery will spend the night in the tomb of Rafinesque in Old Morrison, the school's administration building.
The musical theme - only a part of attractions that include bonfires and sand sculpture - is the best sounds of the 60's, 70's and 80's.
Gatherings and social events are held on both East Beach (on Lake Drive East) and West Beach (on Lake Drive West) which include band concerts, craft shows, and bonfires.
The students prepare for a general disruption that is to include bonfires and the normal quota of pranks.