The financing also includes bonds due in 2008 at a yield of 7.69 percent.
Rather, they exist in orbitals that include several atoms and/or bonds.
If investors include bonds, he said, "They have greater staying power."
The offering, which included 30-year bonds, was intended to help the city avoid further cuts in its $31.8 billion budget.
The financing also includes long-term bonds due in 2016 with a yield of 7.81 percent.
The financing also included bonds, due in 2007, with a yield of 8 1/4 percent.
The sale also included popular bonds that sell at a deep discount to the face value so small investors can afford them.
Loans to businesses are similar to the above, but also include commercial mortgages and corporate bonds.
The firm also measures only stock returns and does not include the cash or bonds held in a portfolio.
That package includes new preferred shares and fewer bonds than the other one.