This compensation included tobacco, flints, knives, axes, and other useful tools.
It included bracelets, necklaces, sickles, and axes, all now kept by the museum in Brežice.
The stone objects included polished tools and axes.
Stone tools include small flakes, axes and sickles.
Weapons visible include swords, axes, bows and arrows, lances.
The exhibition also includes many hachas, or axes.
The new city plan included axes, diagonal streets and monumental squares, with a street grid that would channel traffic smoothly.
Heavy Neolithic flints from this culture collected here included scrapers, picks and axes along with a large amount of debris.
Characteristics include a star-shaped body and radially divergent axes of symmetry.
Typical bronze objects from this period included knives, swords, axes, fibulae and bracelets.