This includes autos, parts, insurance, banking services and general Japanese Government procurements.
Heavy industries include iron and steel, coal, machine building, armaments, petroleum, cement, chemical fertilizers, and autos.
Other key sectors for which the United States has tried but so far failed to reach market opening agreements include autos and auto parts, insurance and financial services.
Ms. Schneider is responsible for an array of Yahoo sites that include autos, real estate and jobs, and the three largest classified categories.
These might include autos and auto parts, telecommunications, petrochemicals, computers and related equipment and processed foods, an American official said.
The reorganization appears to signal the ascendancy of Susan L. Decker, the chief financial officer, a well-regarded executive whose responsibilities were recently expanded to include autos, classifieds, HotJobs, shopping, travel and other Yahoo products.
But if you include autos made for G.M. and Chrysler here, and at Japanese or joint-venture "transplants" in America, the true Japanese market share exceeded 36 percent.
This would include autos (private car), homeowners (household), pet insurance, creditor insurance and others.
The cost for cars up to 5,500 pounds (which would include most autos) is $1,850 one way and $2,995 round trip, plus a $50 port charge.
The enlarged inventories, which included autos and farm equipment, aggravated fears that economic growth would be modest.