Components of the self-concept include physical, psychological, and social attributes, which can be influenced by the individual's attitudes, habits, beliefs and ideas.
This includes, for example, binary, nominal, or numeric attributes, but also more complex target concepts such as correlations between several variables.
The new walls included attributes such as substructures built of cut blocks and possibly even roofs above the walk-ways.
Disadvantages include such positive attributes as honesty and truthfulness which limit the way a character is played.
Strain reviews include desirable effects, attributes, and summary information.
A character sheet is likely to include fairly stable attributes, such as the character's name and physical characteristics.
The environment of ecosystems includes both physical parameters and biotic attributes.
In this context, social meanings can include group membership, personal attributes, or beliefs.
Features of this filesystem include a 64-bit address space, journaling, and extensible attributes.
This includes attributes such as functionality, formatting, or whatever else is primarily important for a particular user community or use environment.