A few pollinators of the plant include flies, honeybees, and ants.
Insects consumed include beetles, leaf hoppers, true bugs, and ants.
Wasps are members of the order Hymenoptera, which also includes ants, bees and sawflies.
Grasshoppers make up more than half of the animal matter and other insects include beetles and ants.
Kansas ant species include common ants and ones with wings.
Its diet would probably have included worms and grubs rather than ants.
This group includes the bees and ants and all of the eusocial Hymenopterans.
The Newark Museum, for example, includes leaf-cutter ants and termites among its living collection.
Populations that adapted include woody plants, termites, earthworms, and ants.
Its diet is not known with certainty, but has been reported to include ants, beetle larvae, and termites.