That includes allowing inspectors to return to investigate what has changed since the last inspections.
Those changes would include allowing 1,600 people to vote for the chief executive in the next elections in 2007, up from 800 now.
This could include allowing sport fishermen two bass a day, 28 or more inches long.
The changes include allowing children to remain on their parents' health plans until age 26.
But his ideas, which included allowing Africans to continue to shoot animals, were considered radical.
Other experimental policies include allowing the use of mobile phones as an aid to learning in the classroom.
This included allowing it to fit within the confines of a V-22's cargo bay.
This includes allowing plenty of time to talk through the impact of events.
I now perceive my job to include allowing people to vent their rage.
The Chinese concessions included allowing foreign companies to sell their products directly to consumers, an enormous opportunity in a land of 1.2 billion people.