This includes aiding members in the search for both cooperative education (co-op) and full-time employment opportunities.
Other benefits include aiding in the reduction in maintenance cost of government fleets in terms of fuel and spares where huge losses have been previously incurred.
In 1879, the United States Congress created the Mississippi River Commission, whose responsibilities included aiding state levee boards in the construction of levees.
However, NATO's objectives do not include aiding the rebel forces' efforts to take control of territory currently held by Gaddafi.
AMMA's activism includes aiding in the defense of cannabis patients should they be so unfortunate as to be prosecuted for their choice of medication.
And sometimes, those benefits may include aiding weight loss.
Additional benefits include aiding investigators to find more forensic evidence to solve crimes and provide to prosecutors to strengthen court cases resulting in a higher conviction rate.
Mr. Lindh, now 21, faces life in prison if convicted of some of the charges, which include aiding Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network.
Apart from Church-related ministries of evangelism and leadership training, there was also the development ministries that included aiding people in agricultural, health and educational development.
This includes aiding the horse when the opposite leg is coming forward, as the leg on the desired lead is about to move forward.