Possible regulatory concerns include emergency safety, headways, and accessibility for the disabled.
The features and benefits of cellular phones for the businessperson include convenience, time management, cost savings, accessibility and service.
This includes industry guidelines and wireless accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
Topics covered include accessibility, troubleshooting and searching files.
Other criteria include "architectural features, accessibility, functionality, and community involvement."
Points to consider could include passing trade, the image of the area, and accessibility.
The United Nations should include accessibility as a priority need to be addressed worldwide and should help developing countries create functional accessible communities.
I've written before about the particular brand of contemporary music that flourishes in the choral world: its features include accessibility and, often, good poetry.
Thirdly, we feel that it is extremely important to include simplification and accessibility in the work being done on fiscal harmonization.
These social interactions include users' responses, social accessibility and society related changes.