A number of militants targeted officials and people opposed to their point of view, which included Hindus and some moderate Sikhs.
Other religious groups within the country include Rastafarians, Hindus, Baha'is (0.2%) and around 300 Jews.
The present population of Kadinamkulam is about 18,000, and includes Hindus, Muslims and Christians.
The village's residents include Hindus, Christians and Muslims.
Majority of the population are Muslim, other include Hindus and Jains.
Residents of Padanna include Hindus, Muslims, and Christians.
The teachers in his schools included Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Indians.
The more than 200 religious leaders who met today included Moslems, Jews and Hindus, as well as clerics representing an estimated 12 million Christians.
These statistics did not cover a large expatriate population of temporary residents that included Muslims, Christians, and Hindus.
Other communities include Hindus and Muslims.