He found more at the top than expected, incidentally discovering what are today known as cosmic rays.
Many abdominal masses are discovered incidentally during routine physical examination.
Symptoms vary by the size and location of the cyst(s), though small cysts usually have no symptoms and are discovered only incidentally.
However, hepatic adenomas are usually asymptomatic, and may be discovered incidentally on imaging ordered for some unrelated reason.
Most cases of polyorchidism are asymptomatic, and are discovered incidentally, in the course of treating another condition.
Most patients are asymptomatic, and come to clinical attention when a mass is discovered incidentally on routine dental X-rays.
Occasionally, a person may show no symptoms, and the leukemia may be discovered incidentally during a routine blood test.
Many carotid bruits are discovered incidentally in an otherwise asymptomatic patient.
Patients with an incidentally discovered adrenal mass.
Sometimes a retinal tear is discovered incidentally as part of an eye examination.