The incident struck a raw nerve for Iraqis, who have been beleaguered by dozens of suicide bombings that have killed thousands of civilians.
To connect the book and the earlier incident in any way strikes me as an example of poor scholarship and seems not to be supportable.
The two gravest incidents at Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant struck the two reactors which are now shut down.
He crumpled the paper up and said nothing to his daughter, but the incident struck a chill into his heart.
The isolated though highly publicized incident has struck a fearful chord in this largely homogenous country.
The incident struck the detective as highly out of character for the circumspect celebrity.
This incident strikes him deeply and he decides to change.
The Prestige spill almost reached our shores and, a few years ago, an incident with immense repercussions struck Porto Santo.
The whole incident struck me as so whimsical that I laughed until I was tired.
But this one incident struck home so deeply that I felt compelled to tell you.