Both the company and public officials said the incident did not pose a health threat.
The incidents pose a huge threat to China's growing food and drug exports and have already led to international calls for new testing and screening methods for Chinese-made goods.
The Land Transport Authority said the station structure is substantially complete and structurally sound, and that the incident posed no risk to surrounding developments and the public.
The alert ended about 24 hours later, as officials declared that the incident posed no health threat.
The department said that the incident posed no public health threat but urged water users in the vicinity to avoid unnecessary contact with the water while gasoline is present.
The incident could pose new problems for Donald T. Regan, the White House chief of staff, who oversees the appointment process and has been under pressure to leave his post.
The incidents pose problems for coming talks between the Government and the congress.
This incident poses many difficulties, but they are not as difficult as Belgrade.
The incident, though, still posed an enormous threat to the Rangers.
The incident led to a truce between the Nationalists and the Communists so as to form a united front against the threat posed by Japan.