I do not know that there was any other incident of his quiet and useful life worthy of being particularly recorded.
Rather the incidents of Tishna's early life are the main focus of the novel.
This, in the effects which immediately flowed from it, I count among the most extraordinary incidents of my life.
It is naturally an incident of his dissipated and dishonest life.
Distinctive in its hypothesis that the incidents of Austen's life were far less trivial than they may look to us now.
The biography is a standard biography describing incidents of Johnson's life.
On 5 June 1455, the first major recorded incident of his life occurred.
I have related one incident of my life.
However, these things are the natural incidents of a hunter's life, and the only thing to do was to make the best of them.
She had written "All the incidents of your life are secured with me.