In 1998 one incident left Briggs with an injury after he fell backwards.
This is because both incidents fall under innkeeper-liability law, a collection of legal concepts that go back several hundred years into common law.
It is in a similar way dream life and incidents may fall upon the mind.
The incidents of people who chase animals from the air and then shoot them illegally on the same day have fallen near an all-time low, he said.
She also said incidents of the use of force fell last year at the city's jails by almost 15 percent.
Does this not imply that in other cases such incidents fell or remained static?
Maybe if free council housing was scrapped, the incidents of pregnancy by women who can't afford children, or don't plan for them, would fall.
This incident, which suggests that poor working conditions created the shame that distanced the father from the son, falls into place in a fresh context.
The incident has led to fears in Congress that some of the gas is missing and has fallen into unfriendly hands.
He went on to write that it was a difficult 'fact-led' question about whether this singular incident would fall within the James decision.