Another incident which sticks in my memory from those final years at school concerned a friend of mine, Nelly Mitchell.
Another incident, also in 1880, concerned the sale of a 100 000 hectare property by a former Tunisian prime minister.
The most dismaying incident concerns a remarkable display of directorial arrogance and self-righteousness:
The most famous incident concerns the chairman, Henry Holloway, himself.
An incident in one of these tales, Math fab Mathonwy, concerns the theft of a herd of sacred pigs.
One specific incident related in evidence concerned an occasion when he prevented a proposed undercover operation to apprehend the principal responsible for illegal baccarat games.
The second incident also concerns the death of his mother, and is told in another connection in the same manuscript.
The second incident concerned the construction of new fortifications by both the British and French at their Bengali strongholds.
The Council could give its view if this incident had concerned its own staff.
Although Judge Ginsburg did not provide details, the incident concerned a fellow judge on the appeals court, Harry T. Edwards.