In the past, he had vanquished her poutiness with physical release or by allowing her to exercise her incessant need for cruelty.
Much is made of the price of eternal life, namely the incessant need for blood of former equals.
Now, our incessant need to explore must be sated by yet another frontier: space.
We got used to Mama's frequent roars and her incessant need to remind us of her power just when we thought she was fading.
The other - a consequence of the first - is its incessant need to raise money.
Jesse grew tired of Liza Colby's incessant need to embarrass Jenny.
The incessant need to fight for our live?
Many people become as irked as I do about the incessant need to keep up with today's wisdom by abandoning or revising yesterday's.
The incessant need for members to raise money won't end until spending limits are imposed.
Throughout the novel, Gabriel displays his greatest flaw; his incessant need to put others before himself.