Corporate incentives should discount these costs to service providers and create internal revenue streams from consuming business units to the service provider.
This incentive creates an attractive monopolistic market for companies interested in developing a product for any given rare disease.
The developers also secured $1.5 million in Federal funds under a program that offers incentives to create jobs for low- and moderate-income people.
The incentives created an inventory glut that management acknowledges will hurt earnings this year.
The incentive to refuse treatment for high-risk patients has created a kind of spiritual crisis in the field of cardiac surgery.
And that means new incentives to create jobs in our inner cities by encouraging investment through enterprise zones.
Such incentives, conceived as short-term sales boosters, have created long-term problems by cutting profits and creating the air of distress sales.
It should provide incentives to renew fleets and create more efficient, more modern aircraft.
There must be a specific mechanism providing incentives and certain tax incentives to create jobs for young people and the elderly.
Fortunately, these perverse incentives create opportunities for the rest of us.