Due to its prominent position in the incense trade, Yemen attracted settlers from the fertile crescent.
The motive behind the attack was to gain control of the South Arabian incense trade which had prospered along the region.
The incense trade continued to be important for the next 1500 years.
Hadhramaut's early economic importance stemmed from its part in the incense trade.
The Mineans established a center at this desert oasis in order to protect the incense trade.
Li Su-sha, an Iranian who dealt in the incense trade, is speculated to be the grandfather of the three siblings.
The central role of Arabia Felix (roughly, Happy Arabia) in the ancient incense trade has long been known in outline from historical accounts.
Salalah was the traditional capital of Dhofar, which reached the peak of prosperity in the 13th century thanks to the incense trade.
The destruction of Ubar, Mr. Clapp argues, probably occurred after some six centuries of prosperity in the incense trade.
The site includes frankincense trees, Khor Rori and the remains of a caravan oasis, which were crucial to the medieval incense trade.