In Peru, children are allowed to remain with their incarcerated mothers until age 3.
Children increasingly come to Hale House after being born in prison to incarcerated mothers.
It "join[s] newborns with their incarcerated mothers for up to 15 months."
She has earned 51 credits toward a college degree and is the inmate supervisor at the children's center, which is where youngsters visit their incarcerated mothers.
Children of incarcerated mothers are consistent with their high risk status and their intellectual outcomes are compromised.
Filial therapy with incarcerated mothers: A five week model.
It is not exactly unheard of to let incarcerated mothers spend time with their children.
Resilience of girls with incarcerated mothers: The impact of Girl Scouts.
Children with incarcerated mothers also worry about the stigma.
The program provides workshops for incarcerated mothers to aid them in dealing with visitation and family court issues.