An incandescent smile accompanied a genuine, if brief, laugh.
Laurie broke into an incandescent smile, and I was no longer in a movie.
The incandescent smile again transformed Alessandra's face.
A Fan in the Stands He wore jeans with an orange-red-purple-black pullover, and even broke out his incandescent smile a time or two.
"Maybe some day," she has said with that incandescent smile, which has defused all further questions on the matter.
What I haven't conveyed to you is any picture of her energy--the excitement, the intimacy with which she looked at you, this incandescent smile.
His striking good looks and incandescent smile smoothed his way with the black and white women he dated.
Like Ms. Roberts, she has an incandescent smile, which she gets to uncork here.
He broke into a smile so incandescent it melted away the past seven years.
"Thought you might like to head over to the lounge in spacedock, maybe grab something to eat," Sulu said, smiling his usual incandescent smile.