As for my identity I would be Marius de Romanus, a man of mystery and incalculable wealth.
The coin is called a loonie, a Canadian dollar worth 63 cents in American currency and incalculable wealth in Canadian pride.
Some months before my uncle's death, Clifford boasted to me of the possession of the secret of incalculable wealth.
Aton sought the incalculable wealth of the blue garnet, but what he found was the salamander.
An encrypted map that leads to incalculable wealth.
If she actually won the lottery and came into incalculable wealth, the man had said she could have anything she wanted.
And they can be met, abundantly, from the incalculable wealth we produce together on this earth.
He wanted "incalculable" wealth.
But the most surprising thing in this room, other than the incalculable wealth in books, was the vague figure of a woman materializing slowly in my vision.
We know that in the midst of the poverty and the widespread suffering, countless individuals linked to the State apparatus managed illegally to accumulate incalculable wealth.