This substrain is now probably the most widely used of all inbred strains.
First, an RI set can be produced using more than two inbred strains.
It was originally used for the crossing of an inbred strain with the wild type.
In mice, large differences in learning ability exist among different inbred strains.
Based on these findings, we anticipated significant differences in the striatum of inbred strains.
The standard inbred strains ranged in age from 51 to 365 days.
The origins and history of recombinant inbred strains are described by Crow.
A decrease in these areas, known as inbreeding depression, is caused from using only one line of an inbred strain.
The rats were from an inbred strain that accepts each others tissues without any rejection.
Another source suggests 1000 inbred domesticated strains are kept worldwide.