The first anniversary of the stock market crash is this Wednesday, so the renewed focus on the dollar comes at a starkly inauspicious moment.
To be fair, Koolhaas came to town at an inauspicious moment.
And, at that most inauspicious moment, a crystallomancer shouted, "Lord Marshal, sir!
But despite its promising results, the Quantum experiment has arrived at an inauspicious moment for new anti-poverty initiatives.
Melodies seemed to plague him at the most inauspicious moments, but he was grateful for the return of such spontaneity.
Since Mr. Rivenhall chose this inauspicious moment to come into the drawing room, Sophy was unable to say more.
This disgraceful state was remedied at a most inauspicious moment: the interval between Thomas Jefferson's election as president and his taking office.
Mr. Zacharski went before a Federal judge for his punishment on Dec. 14, 1981, a particularly inauspicious moment.
There is precedence for trying to minimize one gruesome event at an inauspicious moment.
It was at another inauspicious moment in our history, exactly 100 years before, that Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday.