Tom Mazur, a spokesman for the Secret Service, which is coordinating security for the inauguration events, said plans already took protest activities into consideration.
The parade, with a 19-gun salute and marching bands, and a black-tie ball Wednesday evening, were the first elaborate inauguration events held here in nearly a decade.
Congressman Pedro Pierluisi participated in the inauguration event.
Together the Bagleys "raised the maximum $600,000 for President Obama's inauguration events" in 2009.
It has held inauguration events for both Presidents Bush and President Bill Clinton.
Performances at presidential and gubernatorial inauguration events.
The prosecutor said $300,000 of the $1.1 million raised for the inauguration events was diverted to three $100,000 accounts for Mr. Hunt's personal use.
But he is using a frequent flyer ticket to get to Washington and is likely to forgo the city's finer restaurants, and perhaps some inauguration events as well.
The inauguration events included performance, concerts, and an exhibition with 50 murals and installations along the river.
The Kennedy Center also hosts special inauguration events and galas.